Learn 14 Secrets

Tree care and removal specialist John Davis shares with you the 14 secrets most tree care firms DON'T want you to know about tree removal

Fort Worth Tree Service

Tree Pruning (tree trimming)
JDavis Tree Care Certified Arborists follow ANSI A300 pruning standards. As a JDavis Tree Care client you can be certain our team of highly trained tree care experts will prune your trees to maintain your trees health and optimal structure. Tree pruning, done incorrectly, can be dangerous. Our experts will protect you, your property and your trees from damage and mistakes.

Tree Trimming done wrong will severely impact the appearance of your property for years to come. When it’s time to trim your trees we encourage you to use only ANSI A300 Certified Arborists. One wrong cut, when trimming a tree, could result in years of disappoint if the appearance of your property is harmed.


Tree Removal
We are a tree care company, primarily focused on tree health, pruning, and the protection of your most expensive outdoor investment. (as you know… your trees drastically improve the value of your property)

But we are also well known as the tree removal experts. When it is time to remove a tree, call JDavis Tree Care.

Tree removal is very dangerous. We have 25 years of tree removal experience, training in the best tree removal practices, and the optimal equipment and the know how to ensure your tree is carefully and safely removed. This knowledge and our tree removal safety procedures ensure the safety of your property, other trees and family.

There are many ‘cheap’ tree removal options available. We are not the cheapest. But we are the safest. Tree removal insurance is one of the most expensive types of insurance to purchase in the lawn and landscape industry. For this reason, most companies do not carry this very important insurance.

Should an accident occur you can count on JDavis Tree Care to respond. We have the insurance to guarantee your family is protected from unnecessary legal liability and hassle should an accident occur.


Stump Grinding
JDavis Tree Care will not only remove your tree we will grid the stump and essentially make it disappear.

Many lawn and landscape companies and small tree care companies do not have the adequate equipment to both remove trees and perform the stump grinding.

We can fully complete any tree removal and stump grinding project quickly, safely and affordably.


Tree Care Health
We protect your most expensive asset in your landscape… your trees.

JDavis Certified Arborists will accurately diagnose any tree care disease the first time. We will help prevent and eliminate tree care disease issues and tree insect problems (such as Borers).

We are a full service tree fertilization company. We are known for our soil aeration and organic deep root fertilization programs.


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