Lake Worth Tree Removal. A Trim Or It Needs Tree Removal

Lake Worth Tree Removal. A Trim Or It Needs Tree Removal?

Old trees are gorgeous, yet they can be beneficial to you home and garden. Their branches provide habitat for birds and other pollinators, the shade they provide can help reduce household energy expenses, and we can all enjoy time spent in the shade.

However, sometimes these beauties require more than a trim and must be removed. And doing so before any significant damage is done is critical. Here are three signs that your tree must be removed rather than trimmed by Lake Worth tree removal experts:


It’s Endangering the Structure of the Building

The roots of most trees extend as far as their branches. As a result, even if a tree trunk is far away from your property, its branches and roots may encroach on your home, walkways, and walls.

While falling branches might cause immediate and clear damage, the damage caused by a tree’s root system is not as apparent–until it’s too late.

Walls can be unsettled, pathways can be warped, plumbing piping can be clogged, and foundations damaged. To keep the cost of an overgrown tree to a minimum, Lake Worth tree removal is necessary before significant harm occurs.


Lake Worth Tree Care Can’t Save Your Infected Tree

Even with native trees, disease and insect damage are real and frequent challenges, as sad as it may seem. Insects such as bark beetles penetrate between the tree’s wood and bark, causing the tree to perish slowly. Other insects can attack the tree’s foliage or root systems, causing harm or death.

Trees can also be suffocated by fungus or parasites that feed on the host and suffocate the tree. After an insect or disease has severely damaged a tree, it is usually suggested that Lake Worth Tree Removal remove it to prevent the pest from spreading and prevent the failing tree from falling and causing damage to homes or property.


Your Tree Endangers Your Home

Did you know that if you have a tree that poses a risk to your property, your homeowner’s insurance may cover the cost of having it removed?

Many insurance companies understand that the cost of removing a tree is likely to be far cheaper than the cost of repairing the tree’s harm afterward.

However, insurance companies may demand proof that the tree has been consistently maintained by Lake Worth tree care services and isn’t a concern due to neglect.


Lake Worth Tree Removal. A Trim Or It Needs Tree Removal?


Where Can I Find Tree Service Help in Lake Worth?

We not only provide monthly maintenance to keep your trees looking beautiful and healthy, but we can also securely remove trees and grind stumps.

Do you need a tree specialist? Contact J Davis Tree Care Solutions for the absolute best tree care services or use the compact form below for a direct response.

You can even check our customer reviews on BBB, Yelp, or Yellow Pages.

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