Irving Tree Removal. Does Removing Trees Help Stop Tar Spot

Irving Tree Care Services

A frequent tree disease is tar spot. But don't panic; J Davis tree removal services in Irving are here to help. We have trained J Davis Tree Care Services personnel to evaluate your property's trees and treat tar patches.

Read on to learn more about tar spot and how Irving tree removal professionals can help you care for your trees.


Irving Tree Care Contributes to the Health of Trees

The maple is one of the most vulnerable tree species to tar spots. Therefore, consider paying particular attention to the health of the trees on your property.

Tar spot is a fungal disease that affects maple and other tree leaves and causes dark black lesions. As a result, the leaves begin to fall earlier. In the summer and spring, it gets even worse if there is a lot of humidity.

Tar stains, on the other hand, will not cause long-term harm. However, the spots are a little unappealing. The maple trees' spectacular fall show is not seen because they only appear in the fall. Before you expect your trees to be infected with this disease, consult with a tree care specialist to check for it.


The Way Irving Tree Care Handles Tar Spot

As a tree owner, one of the things you can do to prevent tar patches is remove all fallen leaves. After that, burn the trees to prevent the illness from spreading to other healthy trees.

Tar spot spores can be spread by placing contaminated fallen leaves in places where the spores can infect trees. You can get rid of excess moisture by eliminating any standing water.

At this point, a fungicide can be used to control the tar spot. However, it would be beneficial if you were confident in using it.

It's possible that if you don't apply it appropriately, it'll impact your tree's growth. However, you can cease using it now that your tree is robust and capable of self-defense. Personnel from Irving tree care services can assist you with this.


Services for Tree Care Taking Care of Trees

Tar spots and other tree diseases can harm your landscaping. However, when you deal with experienced services like J Davis tree care specialists, your trees will have beautiful, safe leaves.

Our tree experts will remove diseased branches or leaves during tree trimming. Damage to your pools, electricity lines, and your home or other structures will also be avoided.


Get Help From Irving Tree Care Services

Trees are beneficial but can be harmful if they are not adequately managed. Therefore, you must maintain your trees regularly to avoid harm.

So when you have problems with trees and need local experts, do not wait and be sure to Contact J Davis Tree Care Solutions for the best tree care programs or use the compact form below for a direct response.

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