Hardwood Tree Diseases. Fort Worth Tree Care

Help From Certified Arborists. J Davis Fort Worth

We appreciate North Texas' hardwood trees for similar reasons. But, unfortunately, just like humans, trees become ill. Here are five devastating hardwood tree diseases and what to look for to spot a sick or dying tree. Besides this, you can find how to use Fort Worth, TX tree care services.


Root-Rot Needs Fort Worth Tree Care

Mushroom Root Rot is also called Oak Root Rot. It causes Oak decline in U.S. hardwoods, softwoods, shrubs, and vines.

Armillaria Root kills pest- or climate-damaged hardwood trees. The fungus kills or makes healthy trees vulnerable to other diseases or pests. Armillaria Root slows wood growth and decay. Alternatively, look for mushrooms at the tree's base. Peeling the bark reveals a whitish fungus.

Armillaria Root Rot is irreversible. Trim, prune, treat the soil, and water your hardwood tree. Early detection helps control Armillaria Root Rot. If not, tree removal can stop it.


Oak Wilt in Texas Oaks

Oak Wilt harms North Texas oaks, and the disease will affect Red Oak and Live Oak, although it can infect any Oak.

The fungus enters a tree's water-conducting systems and destroys it within six weeks.

Spring fungal spore mats attract the Nitidulid Beetle. Oak Wilt spreads by root-to-root contact and can lead to drooping and bronzed tree leaves.

When insect activity is high, improper pruning between February and June may increase Oak Wilt risk. Call an arborist if you suspect your Oak Tree has Oak Wilt. Call today to book an ISA-certified arborist.



Anthracnose causes sores on leaves, branches, and fruit. They can destroy American Sycamores, Black Walnut, Dogwoods, Ash trees, and White Oaks.

Anthracnose-infected leaves survive winter and reinfect the tree in spring. Annual defoliation exposes a tree to diseases and pests, destroying it. Brown or tan patches on the foliage and early leaf loss are common symptoms.

Chilly, moist circumstances induce diseases. To prevent spring reinfection, remove diseased branches and foliage. Call a pro if your tree is sick.


Dutch Elm Disease

By 1989, 75% of North American and European Elms had died. Dutch Elm Disease-resistant varieties are boosting U.S. elms. However, Dutch Elm Disease harms American Elms.

Individual branches' leaves wilt, become yellow, or wilt quickly, dry out, and fall off while green. In addition, branches may be curved or discolored.

Delete contaminated branches. If you suspect Dutch Elm Disease, call an ISA-certified arborist. Infected trees may need to be removed. J Davis provides tree services.


Cotton Root Rot

Spring and early summer are affected by cotton root rot. Soil may have light-colored fungus mats. These mats represent pathogen soil, not spores.

Healthy trees, appropriate nutrients, and soil biology are needed to prevent this disease. Early indications may require soil treatments to rescue your tree. In addition, to safeguard surrounding trees, infected trees may need to be removed.


Get Help From Certified Arborists. J Davis Fort Worth

J Davis can help if you suspect a disease, fungus, pests, or other problem with your hardwood tree. In addition, we have ISA-certified arborists and others.

We prune trees, remove pests and diseases, condition soil, and aerate roots.

If you need more help with any of the above or more of our services, all you need is Contact J Davis Tree Care Solutions for the very best tree care programs or use the compact form below for a direct response.

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