Bedford Tree Removal. Tree Damage You Get From Storms

Bedford Tree Removal. Tree Damage You Get From Storms

Storm damage involving trees costs businesses and households billions of dollars every year. You should know the most prevalent causes of tree damage to take precautions to protect your damage and that of your neighbors.

Understanding the different storm-related tree damage and how Bedford Tree removal can help you deal with them makes all the difference.


High Wind Throw May Need Bedford Tree Removal

The wind can sometimes be strong enough to uproot a mature tree. It’s simple: the tree’s root system couldn’t withstand the wind’s intensity. As a result, that tree is now either leaning or utterly flat on the ground.

Roots require enough space underground to branch out and form a network that can support the tree’s weight. When the weight plus the wind force exceeds the capacity of the roots, they break.

Tree disease can hasten the demise of a tree root system that is otherwise healthy. In either instance, because the average person cannot see the chaos underground, they may not realize something is amiss until it is too late.


Stem Failure from Storm Damage

The weakest linkages will always be the first to succumb to wind damage. Because hardwood trees live for such a long time, they are at significant risk of being injured during their lives.

These wounds can promote rot or attract disease into the tree, causing it to succumb. In addition, if a tree was originally part of a woodland area that was destroyed for development, stem damage may occur.

Trees may appear to be large and strong. However, they rely heavily on the trees to decrease wind movement. Therefore, a tree’s mortality is nearly always a result of stem failure because it will always have this sturdy place, even if it is otherwise healthy.

Wind-related tree stem failure is nearly always avoidable if suitable tree site considerations are made, and tree stabilizers are placed if the tree stem exhibits indicators of weakness.


Crown Twist

The tree’s canopy includes the branches, leaves, stems, and twigs, known as the crown. This tree area has the highest, newest growth and, hence, one of the most vulnerable.

It also is the part of the tree we most admire for its beauty and shade. The tree will appear naked if it snaps off.

It’s possible that you won’t notice the first time it twists. However, this damage will eventually cause tree illness and possibly crown loss.

Professional Bedford, AZ tree pruning with J Davis helps prevent crown twisting and keeps a tree’s health and beauty during a storm.


Root Injuries May Need Bedford Tree Care Services

A tree’s root system determines how healthy it is. Roots that are unhealthy will not provide enough nutrition to the tree. Tree roots that have been damaged will become frail, brittle, and unsupportive. Exposed roots, elevated roots, excessive mushroom growth surrounding the tree, raised soil and cracked or rotting roots are all signs of root damage.

A tree support system involving cables, braces, or stakes can protect fragile or young trees during storms. If you’ve recently replaced a dead tree with a young one, we strongly advise you to install tree cables, stakes, or braces.


Where To Find Help With Bedford Tree Care To Deal With Storm Damage

Where To Find Help With Bedford Tree Care To Deal With Storm Damage

If you’d like more information, Contact J Davis Tree Care Solutions for the very best tree programs or use the compact form below for a direct response.

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