Arlington Tree Care. Why You Need Structural Tree Pruning

Get Help With Arlington Tree Care Services

J Davis Tree Care Services removes fallen, split, or hazardous trees every year. Sadly, most of these tree losses may have been avoided with proper care when young.

Uncorrected weak branch connection causes a vast tree to divide and die. An uncorrected fault caused weak branch attachment and a deep split, resulting in the death of an enormous tree.

Structural pruning enhances the framework of the tree, extending its lifespan. However, to maintain healthy trees, you must select the right tree for the location and plant it correctly.

Few individuals understand the basics of shaping a young tree. Here you can find more from Arlington tree care experts.


Why You Need Careful Tree Pruning?

Container-grown trees often come from the nursery with worse problems. Tight V-forks and packed growing zones encourage codominant stems. These problems can cause tree splitting.

An ethical tree service wants to see trees flourish. Arborists don’t want to see majestic oaks split apart in a windstorm or a fifty-year-old cedar elm losing large limbs because property owners neglected proper pruning when the trees were young.

When planting a tree, keep in mind its future shape. Remedial training can take up to twenty-five years. Trees in attractive shapes require minimal pruning.


Benefits of Arlington Tree Pruning Experts

The many benefits of early, carefully planned pruning include:

  • It helps create one dominant trunk to form a robust base.
  • Space the branches evenly for a balanced canopy.
  • Avoids weak Y-shaped structure that splits easily.
  • Reduces the likelihood of wind damage.
  • Improves clearance over sidewalks and structures.
  • It avoids the eventual need to remove large branches.


Get Started With Arlington Tree Pruning

Preparing to use your saw and pruners requires some basic knowledge. The primary goals of early pruning are:

  • It presents a tree with many dominating stems.
  • A young tree pruned without regard for structural pruning has created many dominant stems, which will probably cause issues as the stems grow.
  • Landscape trees usually have one dominating trunk, called a leader. Having many trunks of similar diameters increases the risk of splitting.
  • Examine your tree from all sides—preferably the strongest and tallest. Any extra trunks will be removed or minimized. This is because the main trunk outgrows the reduced branches while their leaves support the tree’s growth.
  • Ensure a dominant leader for the first five to 10 years of a tree’s life. Then, when required, prune competing branches.



How Tree Care Experts Help

Avoid weak scaffold junctions by removing or reducing branches half the trunk’s size. Small competing branches can be removed or shortened now to assist build a sturdy tree.

Branches that are parallel, crossing, crowded, damaged, or pointing back toward the stem will cause structural issues. Each pruning cycle, remove these branches. Never remove over 25% of the leaves in a single pruning cycle.


Get Help With Arlington Tree Care Services

Get Help With Arlington Tree Care Services

Your trees may provide years of trouble-free beauty and shade if effectively managed. J Davis Tree Care Services is happy to consult with you and develop a long-term tree care plan, including preventive pruning.

When we care for our trees, they have the best chance of flourishing. To get your trees in the best of health, you can contact J Davis Tree Care Solutions or fill out the short form below to immediately assist with your tree care questions.

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